I’ve Got Some News…

It’s been a while since I came on my blog let alone wrote a post. When I started my blog I wanted it to be a place where I could express my feeling and opinions, and share with anyone that would read the activities and journeys that I do. I always knew I would never stick it out and be able to write continuous posts, day after day. I get bored! Not with writing or sharing just with having to do something every day (some people call this lazy but I’ll stick with I get Bored).

Anyway like the title suggests I actually have some exciting news that I wanted to write about so I could look back on it one day. I’M GOING TO AMERICA!! No-one will ever know how excited I am to be able to go to a place I have never been before. But the excitement doesn’t stop there… I’M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD FLORIDA! Disney is everything to me, I love the songs, the characters and especially the atmosphere that Disney produces. The Magic! It’s crazy I know that a 19 years old woman believes in the magic of Disney, but how can you not when you’ve been brought up to believe every word, every princess, prince and character says. I don’t care what people think I never have, Disney is the one place I can’t wait to be. 4 weeks and counting by the way…

So I finally accepted the chance to go to the most magical place on earth after having the craziest thoughts of wanting to turn the opportunity down. How can someone plan a trip to the other side of the world with 4 months till the departure date? My sister that’s who! With flights, accommodation, VISAs and a transfer; there was nearly a chance there wasn’t enough time. But with now 4 weeks to go me, my 2 sisters, 2 Nieces and my brother-in-law are now successfully ready for the holiday to begin. Some people call that cutting it fine but last minute holidays are always the best!! However I do want to walk you through the process that we so nearly didn’t complete…

This was the first thing we gathered to do. It was harder than it should have been because before we could find a room to stay we needed to know when we were able to fly out. After trying to find the perfect flight, taking in to context the price and when it departed, we finally found the right 9 hour, direct flight that wasn’t too expensive. We do have to travel 2-3 hours to the airport that we’re flying from but it was worth it to get it near enough £100 cheaper. After the flights were booked we had to figure out how many suitcases were need. We have settled with a 23KG large suitcase and a 10KG hand luggage each with the option of a handbag present. Not bad at all! 33KG is enough right?

This wasn’t as hard because we wanted a cheap hotel that had A/C and a couple of beds. Who goes to Disney World to stay in their rooms all day? However there were so many to choose from and then we actually decided to pay the little extra that we saved on the flights and stay within Disney!! eeekkk, I’m a child again! We then decided on the cheapest hotel within Disney, which was Disney’s All-Star Sports Resort! I don’t like sports and neither does my family but who cares when you’re in frigging Disney Land? After the hotel and flights were booked we needed to purchase the passes to allow us into the park, which actually turned out to be the most expensive part of the whole process. I’m not even going to scare you with the price of a ’14 Day All Parks’ Pass, it’s enough to give you a twitch.

If you don’t know what a VISA is, it’s a process that you have to go through to be able to enter the US. I don’t actually know if they are called that anymore, it might be called an ESTA now. Anyway I don’t know ahaha! You basically go on an official website that allows you enter several bits of detail about yourself. For example Name, Date of Birth, Employment Details and where you are going to be staying within the US. The VISA lasts either for 2 years or until your passport expires, whichever occurs first! Don’t be going to the US without one, I would hate to know what would happen.

If you’re going on holiday soon, I hope you have an amazing time!

Thanks for Reading!

The Girl Living Online! xx

July 2015 Favourites! 

I haven’t done a monthly favourite in sooo long! But this month I have had the busiest month I have had in a long time. There’s been the dreaded illness, the amazing holiday and the one and only Sir Tom Jones. Doing all these amazing and not so amazing activities have lead to me gathering items that have been by my side through it all. From nail polish to my most watched Youtuber. So here goes…

Collection’s ‘French White’ Nail Varnish
Because I have been on holiday and my skin is at its most tanned, I always turn to a trusty white nail varnish to enhance the sun kissed colour of my skin. Even when the tan starts to fade the White nail varnish makes it look like it’s still as brown as ever. I have tried so hard to find a white nail polish that doesn’t need hundreds of coats and that doesn’t chip as soon as you leave your room. I finally found it with this product, for £2.99 I can get smooth, shiny, white nails with only 2 coats. I have been wearing this colour none stop for the whole of July!

Little Mermaid’s ‘Part of Your World’
There is no doubt in my mind that this song have been played over a hundred times during the last few weeks. I don’t know what it is about it but I am loving it. I sing it whilst I’m cleaning, whilst I’m driving and even in the shower(and that means something!); truthfully I’ve got it playing in the background whilst I’m writing this! It’s become my go to song and I can now sing it backwards. (Why is that important? I’m not quite sure.) ‘I wanna be where the people are, I wanna see, wanna see them dancing’ DISNEY FOREVER!! 

Smash Hit App
I’m not one from playing games online or on my phone. I download the game, play it and then get bored and forget to delete it. But the smash hit app has become a slight addiction. Basically its a game where you travel in a straight line and you have balls to remove the obstacles that are found in you track. It doesn’t sound as good as it actually is! Aha! It’s definitely an addictive game once you’ve played it you can’t stop!

Gabriella Lindley
Gabriella Lindley is a Youtuber that currently has around 600,000+ subscribers. I have been loving her lately, like I can’t stop watching her vlogs and her amazingly edited main channel videos. But her latest video is a big reason why I have fallen in love with her. It’s called ‘Honesty.’ She literally sits in front of a camera at her most vulnerable state and answers all the questions that everyone has been hounding her to answer. She dulges into her painful past and gives her hopes for the future, all whilst fighting the tears. She’s such a loveable person that I don’t know why people give her hate. I love her! (Yorkshire loving!) 😉

John Frieda’s ‘Frizz Ease Miraculous Recovery’ Conditioner
This stuff has saved my life, not literally of course! But I have the worlds thickest hair and now that it’s summer I struggle with humidity. This basically means that when I go out into the sun my hair resembles a large cotton ball. I’m basically Monica in that episode of FRIENDS! However, John Frieda has blessed me with a remedy that keeps my weave flat. It softens, flattens and controls my frizz prone hair so that it doesn’t take 5 bottles of hairspray to keep it down!

These are just a few things that I have been loving lately! Oh yeah Happy August for tomorrow!!

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! Xx

REVIEW: Into The Woods By Disney

The basic background to this film is that there is a hand full of children stories all living in one village. There’s Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Jack & the Beanstalk, Rapunzel and the Bakers Man. All these amazing and great childhoods stories all rolled into on film. You would believe that this film would be the best thing since sliced bread! (Yorkshire saying again… Sorry!) There’s music, amazing actors and it has a brilliant story line…

However, I was hugely disappointed! With all the best nursery rhymes and my favourite childhood films, I expected great and magical things. I wanted it so badly to be good that I was saddened that it didn’t rise to my expectations. It wasn’t a terrible film, there were amazing moments but they were crowded and ruined by unnecessary features. I never thought these words would leave my mouth, but there was way too much singing. Every other minute the characters would start randomly singing. This was one of the reasons I hated Les Misit was pointless and wasted 2 hours of my life that dragged massively. I honestly would never watch this film again and I’m the type of person that will come back to films and see if it was just the mood I was in that made me hate it. But no, this film is definitely my most hated Disney Film and Disney is my life!

The only good thing that this film offered was that it had a great story line. Actually, that was the only thing that was good about it! If Disney had cut out all the singing and just made it a film, it would have been 100x better. The story was great but they just needed to stop the body-cringing singing that would have should better if they just spoke the lyrics. With all the amazing actors that were involved, like Meryl Streep, James Corden, Anna Kendrick and Johnny Deep, I was hoping for more. The massively exaggerated hype that surrounded this film really took a nose dive when the film was actually rubbish and disappointing.

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! xx

March Favourites 2015!

March and the rest of this year has flown by like a snap of your fingers. I can’t believe its April! I normally talk about my favourites of the month on the last Saturday of each month. However, I’ve had and still have a lot of work to finish. I was going ot leave it this month as all i have been needing is a laptop, notebook and the internet, but i have missed this blog way more than i should have. Its been a week maybe 2 since I last posted daily. So here goes my March favourites of 2015 are…

My number one favourite of this month has been the Now that’s what you call Disney  CD. When I have been writing and working, this album has been on replay in the background. It has been nice to just listen to of the old Disney Classics. I will admit that some songs had to be played numerous times in a row, because who doesn’t love the catchy beat of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (is that how you spell it?) and the soft sound of Beauty and the Beast. If you haven’t already gathered I am a Disney nut. I will live by Disney for all my life and if I have children they will be brought up doing the same. This album had 3 CDs that are jam packed with all the best songs throughout all the Disney Films. A guilty pleasure is Kiss the Girl from The Little Mermaid and I Won’t Say I’m in Love from Hercules. 

Another item I have been loving is How to Train your Dragon 2.  I loved the first film back when that came out and I wanted to see the second to see if it raised to the expectations i had after the first. However, I never got round to watching it, that was until it came on Sky Demand. I watched it, loved it and watched it again…twice. The sequels of films are NEVER as good as the first, bu this film was amazing. You didn’t need to watch the first one to be able to watch the second. It wouldn’t have confused and just made it better. When I was younger I read the How to Train Your Dragon book and it was the biggest and best book I had ever read. It was the one book that I stuck around and read and I am so glad I did. This is because the film met the books description incredibly. What can I say I love the film and the book!

They’re my March Favourites, there aren’t as many as usually but I’ve been busy and I haven’t had time to swoon and love other things during this month. Happy April!! And I hope to be back Daily Blogging Soon!!

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! xx

I’m a Child at Heart!

For one of my units in my IT course I am learning and researching about animation studios. The three maim studios I am looking at are the classics Disney, Pixar and Dream Works. These studios hold and created some films that I grew up watching constantly.From Snow White to Toy Story! It make me sad and old when I see the dates these classics were released. I remember my first Disney film I ever watched; I was at Nana’s house with a bag of crisps, waiting for her to load the VCR. It was Sleeping Beauty, I watched the film so thoroughly feeling as if I never blinked. Now seeing that the film was from the late 1950s makes me love Disney even more. No matter how old I get if a new Disney film is released I will watch it. For instance the new Cinderella film is right on my must go watch list. I’m a child at heart that loves a good animated Disney film! Some days I feel like Googling a list of Disney films and watching them all from the very first one.

My all time favourite animated film/show is Winnie the Pooh , I first watched this show when I was around 3 years old. As soon as I saw the first episode I fell in love. My mum bought me a Pooh teddy (pictured above) that never left my side. I took it everywhere – on holiday, to sleepovers and even day out. And to this day that teddy still has pride of place to anything. It is quite grotty now and it stinks but it holds so many memories. Yes, I have a gross, 15 year old Pooh bear that will be forever in my life. When people ask “what would be the one thing you would save in a fire?” My instance answer isn’t my Phone or my laptop but my tatty, old, worthless Pooh bear. It is always in arms distance!

Whilst pondering on the good, old internet I found out the best news about one of my favourite sequels… Toy Story 4 is being created! WOO! I loved all the toy story’s films, I even shed a tear watching the last one. Yes we have only just started in 2015, but I can not wait for the 16th June 2017 just to watch this film! I will be a 20 year old grown up going to the cinema on my own just to see one of my favourite childhood films.

What’s your favourite Animated Film? Reminisce the memories of watching it for the first time!

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! xx