REVIEW: Babies in Waiting by Rosie Fiore

Let me start by saying this is the best £1 I’ve spent on a book from a charity shop! Not only did I get an amazingly enjoyable book to read, the Mind charity got my money to put towards an amazing charity!

The basic storyline to this book is that there are three different women, all different ages with different stories as to how they got pregnant, who are all due in September! It talks about the different stages a woman goes though when they are pregnant. It was so interesting to read and the stories from each woman where so intriguing. Each pregnancy was so different, during pregnancy and after. The different stories from the women were ingredible to read and even though it’s written so honestly it makes me excited to have children when I’m older… Maybe that’s a women’s intuition to want mini versions of themselves?!?  

Anyway through out the book it made me cry, made me laugh, and it made me read with a continuous grin on my face! I loved it dearly!! I have never heard of the author Rosie Fiore but this book alone had me googling her and the other books she has written. I can’t wait to read her other creations. I’m still buzzing slightly from the storyline and the ending, I need to hug and squeeze a chubby little baby right now! No I’m not a weirdo, my sisters pregnant with my first nephew and I just can’t wait! My nephew best be born on time! 

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! xx