Illness Overload!

I wrote a blog post about a month ago talking about the aftermath of napping and how it makes you feel. I talked about how me sleeping would allow me to get over the sniffle that I had developed. 3 weeks after that post was written I finally got over the worst illness I have every had. It honestly felt as though my body was shutting down on me!

In that 3 weeks of dreaded illness I went through sickness, diarrhea, cold, flu, chest infection and not being able to eat anything. Honest to God the worst thing I have every had to go through. I put off going to the doctors because I hate the doctors and I thought it’ll be gone soon! Nope I was wrong! It would get better and loosen up and then come back twice as bad. I caved and went to the dreaded hospital’s A&E section and got prescribed 5 days worth of Amoxicillin or as they are known antibiotics.

Five days of 3 tablets a day was just about killing more. I hate swallowing tablets and these tablets were the size of bullets. Every morning, afternoon and night ended in constant struggle to keep these dreaded pills down. I’d have water in my mouth ready, put the pill in and swallow. Just when I though ‘It’s Down!’  The water and the pill came back up and caused me to go through the whole process multiple times. IT WAS HORRID! After the 5 days I thought ‘Yes it’s finally gone’ I was wrong it came back and it came back worse. This was 6 days before I was planned to board a plane to Spain. So I went back to the doctors, got more medication and started the 5 day of antibiotics all over again. I was hoping that it had gone for good so I could enjoy my holiday. 7 days in 30 degree heat and I was better than every! People say the heat is a great healer…and I couldn’t agree more!

Thanks For Reading!

See You Soon…

The Girl Living Online! xx